The impact of light quality and intensity on LED cannabis production

LED usage has increased by over 45% across all growth stages since the initial 2016 report. Regarding future adoption, 68% of growers who are not using LED during flowering are considering doing so in the next few years. 12 months.

Why choose LED lighting for growing cannabis?

While the trend towards Best Commercial LED Grow Lights adoption in North America, Europe and other regions can be attributed to numerous factors – declining capital costs, customizable spectral composition, dimmable light intensity, a growing body of research – this can be explained through of the three advantages of interconnected LEDs: greater efficiency, greater environmental control and better yields and quality.

1. Greater efficiency

There are two trends in the market for cannabis lighting that affect the vast majority of growers around the world. The first, which has been going on since LEDs were introduced to the market and which producers are most familiar with, revolves around the benefits and challenges of switching from legacy lighting solutions such as HPS to LED Grow Lights.

2. Improved control

LED Grow Lights provide enhanced control over almost every parameter of a cannabis operation. Most critical is, of course, the ability to manipulate light intensity and spectral composition in order to maximize yields and production.

3. Better quality and yield

While projected savings have driven the early adoption of LEDs, their greater effectiveness and ROI (return on investment) have emerged as key factors in their sustained popularity. It is now understood that increasing light intensity and spectral quality correlates with substantial increases in a crop's yield, morphology and health. In one study, researchers found that a 1% increase in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) corresponded to a 1% increase in harvested product up to light levels of 1.500 µmol/m2/s. By optimizing installations with LEDs and vertical racks, growers are realizing that they can realize profits that far outweigh the already significant savings.

innovations in LED technology and developments in the fields of photobiology and agriculture have opened up an exciting future for cannabis markets around the world. The ability of researchers, engineers and producers to continue to develop and refine broad-spectrum, high-intensity strategies and methods will translate into a new era of growth and profitability for those who adopt them.